Saturday, September 09, 2006

Salmon Arm Fall Fair ~ results

I was thrilled to say the least when I won Best in Show for the portrait I took of Carson. The other 2 that I entered were Honorable mention.I got first for my handmade card

Here is a jug I made in ceramics class. I won an award and first in the category.
The 12x12 scrapbook page(it was hard to pick...just one to enter) I got second in that category. I received first for my 8x11 page.


christina said...

how awesome, sounds like you won a lot of ribbons. i can't believe that 12x12 lo got second, totally should have gotten first in my opinion LOL. congrats on all the ribbons!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Your produce - whether you grow it, create it, photograph it - shows the amazing talents you have. Way to go Andrea!
Love ma

Anonymous said...

andrea you are amazingly talented! dont be so hard on yourself, i knew you could do it!