Thursday, September 07, 2006

20 Years Late

I heard this song by Aaron Lines a while back and it brought tears to my eyes. I just love it :)

20 Years Late

Hey mom I know that it's late, hope I didn't wake you
Yeah, everything is O.K., just needed to talk to you
Today I had one of those days
But I didn't call to complain
Just to say everything that I didn't for all of those years
You were a taxicab driver, a nurse and a maid
A waitress, a cook and a shoulder to lay
My head on to cry on, when nothing was going my way
You knew every answer without cracking a book
And I took for granted that I had it so good
And I'm sorry it's taken me so long to say
Thank you...I love you..... Twenty years late

It's funny how time passing by can change your perspective
A little while out on your own can sure make you think
I don't know how you did it
No I can't find one spare minute
The days run together but I don't remember you
Ever letting us down

You were the judge and the jury when I did wrong
Been my biggest fan from my very first song
The gas in the engine that always kept me moving on
A seamstress a counselor and the one referee
That could cold stop a fight between my brother and me
And I'm sorry it's taken me so long to say
Thank you....I love you .....Twenty years late...

I'll let you go now
But I hope that you know now how I feel
Thank you..... for making me the man I've become
I love you and I will always be your son

Mom that's all I called to say
20 years late...
20 years late...
20 years late...

Yep....There I go getting all teary eyed ;)


christina said...

that is a beatiful song, it brought tears to my eyes as well.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Andrea for sharing such a wonderful, meaningful song. I only wish my mother would have lived longer, so that I would be able to talk to her about life as it is today, and as it was in the past and all the sacrifices she had made for me and my brothers and sisters. Love Ma