Monday, November 13, 2006

Thoughts...and burnt toast ?

I'm nervous - not nervous in a shakey sorta way just butterfly nervous, I guess. I start my new job tomorrow and I'm just worried I won't "fit in". I'm trying to think positive.....but those butterflies are flying aound like crazy.

I got an email the other day from a lady asking me to submit some layouts for a DT call? ..... hmmmmmm?

Heroes was on tonight, I CAN'T WAIT for next weeks episode ...... Thus ....the burnt toast was a cafe two of the characters were having breakfast in.....burnt toast what a neat name for a cafe!

Carson and our neighbours St. Bernard Sebastion. A BIG lovable giant.


Tara said...

Good luck with the new job! It will go well, I'm sure...

SmileyCarrie said...

Good luck with your new job today!!! Be sure to let us know how it goes!

I haven't watched Heroes in a few weeks so I need to get caught up (thanks goodness for PVR!)

I love that show!

christina said...

ohhh i hate those butterflies LOL. you will do great and i'm sure you will fit in. ((hugs)) and can't wait to hear how it goes.

Igagnon76 said...

Wow, i'm really enjoying your blog(s). I just love Heroes! can't miss an episode, thank god for PVR!