Monday, November 13, 2006

Random Roadtrip

It was 9:00am when a brilliant idea sprung to my mind ..... Why not go and visit Oma for the day?

So I called her...ummm... not realizing she was still in bed, I figured that out by the fumbleing for the phone. She sounded excited to here that we would be coming. I then decided why not invite Leah and Alex? Well Leah wasn't up to it so we stopped bye on our way out to pick up Alex. This would be his first roadtrip with Aunty and Uncle.

My Oma lives in Barriere which is about 2 hours from our home. We know of a short cut which takes you around Adams lake, but the road is gravel. We decided to take a chance and go for it! The road wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and the bumpiness and me trusting Brodie's driving skills as he navigated along the side of the mountain..... was drowned out by Carson's tunes.....yes an hour of Raffi's "Baby Beluga" and Big Bird's "The wheels on the bus"!

Carson and his Great Grandmother.

The pooped out travellers.


SmileyCarrie said...

Aww I bet she was so pleased to have her great grandchildren visiting!!
Great pictures.. wow you live in a beautiful part of this country!!!

christina said...

i bet she loved seeing you all. great pics and i of course love your LO's. the mural is looking fabulous. can't wait to see it all finished.

christina said...

i bet she loved seeing you all. great pics and i of course love your LO's. the mural is looking fabulous. can't wait to see it all finished.

Liway said...

Isn't that quite the road??? It goes on forever - but it's beautiful up there!!! Glad you guys had a great trip!!! Love the one of the boys sleeping! At least you got a break from the tunes! LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

Your stories bring back memories. Travelling with children, singing many, many songs and having a ball. One of the tapes that our kids (many, many years ago) loved the most, The Chipmunks, was the one that I dreaded the most. Lots of fun - glad your Oma got to see the boys. Love ma